Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why to choose Google+ over Facebook?

Google Plus

California, Jun 30: Google has unveiled its new social networking tool Google+ to beat its close rival Facebook. With the Google+ project, the search engine giant is planning to grab the search engine market, which is controlled by Facebook with nearly 700 million users.

Even though Google has not yet rolled out the Google+ for public, it gave a chance for limited users to experience the features of the new Google+ social network. Just one day after its announcement, tech world is busy with Google+ project's review. The big question is, Will it can beat Facebook?

Various technology blogs and website editors who tested the Google+ have expressed a mix response to its features. Some of them gave 100 percent marks for Google+, meanwhile some others reported it as a "complicated" platform.

For those who are worried about the security issues in Facebook, Google+ is the answer. According to reports, Google+ offers better security features than any other social networks. Its Google+ Circles provides separate groups or circles among your friends, You can create different Circles with different members. That means, unlike the Facebook, members of a particular group can only see the posts and links in the group.

Here are the responses from major technology reporters:

According to The Huffington Post's Catharine Smith: - The Google+ network is designed around users' social circles (called Circles) and lets users selectively share with specific groups within their personal network, rather than sharing with all their social connections at once.

Charles Arthur of The Guardian rated Google+ with only two stars out of five. He noted that Google+ lacks the social aspect of Facebook and the speed, and simplicity, of Twitter. The report said the Google+ Circles feature as "promising" and "clever idea." But "being social" isn't just about involving lots of people in things. It's also about getting out of the way. The irony is that Google's biggest product, its search page, is a classic of simple design. But everything else it does becomes too complicated. Google+ might work better if it tried to do less, and then built it up.

PCWorld editors Megan Geuss and Mark Sullivan wrote in their review report that Google+ is a "new spin on socializing online with a slick interface and a unique way of sharing content." According to them, the new social networking project will push Google ahead of Facebook. "With all those great (free) services and now a tightly-integrated social networking platform under one roof, who needs Facebook?"

According PC World, Google+ "needs the highly personal data that Facebook has been so successful at collecting" to achieve the company's central goal, social networking. At the same time they raised the billion dollar question which many of us have in mind, Is Google is too late to the "social Web" to ever catch up?
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