Friday, July 1, 2011

Google + ( plus ) New Social Networking Site Get Invitations Here

After recent launching of e-Mail service by Facebook, which was considered A Challenge to Google’s GMail.. Google is All-Set Ready Now to Challenge Facebook On Social Networking Grounds With its New Service Named As Google+

After Facebook over-hauled Google owned Social Networking Site – Orkut, it enraged a war on Google Mail- Gmail by announcing facebook Mail… Google in Reply, seems to Be All-Set on Counter attack with Google +

Basic Summary And Info about Google+ ?

Google + is a new beta social Networking platform by Google… and its all set to write History on the Social Networking Front…

Features : Google+ boasts of an easy – on eye Simple Looking User Interface[Circle Interface],There is “The Stream” adapted from the “Wall” concept of Facebook, Noreover there is the Unique Concet of Hangout,Sparks… Let’s discuss each of the features in Brief

One of the Most disappointing features of Facebook is addition of new friends.. all new friends addedget collected in a big group alltogeher… Google+ addresses this issue by Circle Interface.It asks you to create Various different Circles in which you can classify and sort out ifferent friends into different circles like – Professional friends,family friends,personal friends,etc thus u can have the privacy of revealing/sharing your friendship with a person to be revealed to Others/or not… and u can see the updates of Different Friend Circle of Yours’ according to your convenience.. Moreover u can circle[circle select] many of our friends on Google Profiles to be requested and added to your profile at the same time in one request… unlike facebook where only single requests can be sent.

“The Stream” This is the Google+ Version Of Facebook wall where You,Your Friends Can Comment,Discuss, Share n Enjoy..

Sparks : This is the Google + Version of Facebook Friend Updates… Whenever an update is available from your Friend it will show a Spark! a Unique Concept Indeed..Priority of Friends’ Sparks to be shown can be customised on Profile Settings Place in Google+

“Hangout” This is the Feature which i Loved the Most in Google+ In Hangout You Can Have Video/Voice or Text Chat with Almost ten!! people of your Friend Circle if they are Online… Much like the Group discussions We have

Google +1/ -1 Besides This Google+ has two buttons namely Google +1 And -1 which do the Work Of Facebook “Likes” And “Unlike”.. +1  Button is Green Colored And -1 Is Red Colored…

Moreover Google+ Has No Limits On Sharing Your Photos And Videos Ublike Facebook where  only 200 photos can be Shared/Uploaded in a Single Album…also unlike facebook where u can only text chat with your friend Google+Allows Voive/Video Chat as well with a single Friend with a Better Quality than that of Skype..

Thus, Google+ Has The Potential To Compete with Facebook but Who Wins Between Facebook And Google+ will be decided by time… But Currently Facebook is on the Front With its Millions of Users…

You Can Get Yourself An Invitaion for Google+ on your account from the Below link… all u need is to have a Google account

Also More Infomation About Google+ Project is available on its Official Website


PORT :8080


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ur url without http

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for example:

some more of the front queries




1]go to download
page or tab just click the
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3](but remember romove the





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setting with
port 80 and proxy anyone of

proxy :-any
of above , port :-80
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http server: [nofollow]

socket server :-

and leave other setting as it
is ...
4. Now enjoy free browsing ... u
may face problem with
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<0.30Rs for airtel...... If u are
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Thursday, June 30, 2011

[How-to] Hack Windows XP administrator password

If you have forgotten your Windows XP account’s password, then you can still login through another account – that is “Administrator” account of windows and change or remove your own account’s password from there. It’s an old trick but still unknown by many Windows XP users.To do this:
1. On Login screen, press CTRL+ALT+DEL twice in such a way that there should be a pause of about one second before your second press of CTRL+ALT+DEL.
windows password
how to hack password
Don’t do this quickly, give a little pause between the two combination!
2. You will see a login screen where, you’ll be asked to enter Administrator password.
3. Just press the Login button or Enter Key, leaving the password field blank!
You’ll be logged in your system with the Administrator account, which is not seen at normal login screen.
This is because mostly when windows is installed at home computers, administrators passwords are ignored and left blank during installation.
When you enter this account, with this trick, you actually log into the actual administrator account of Windows, from where you easily go to:
control panel > user accounts, and change or remove any windows account’s password!

Best ways to Hack Facebook Account

Now a days Facebook becomes the number#1 social networking portal that touches every one’s life. People are now a days looking for hacking of Facebook account to steal someones’ personal life. 60% people are looking for control over their girlfriends Facebook account ..!!. A lot of people contact me about suspecting their boyfriend/girlfriend of cheating, They ask for a Tutorial for hacking Facebook Account passwords. There are many websites that give  guarantee to hack Facebook account and try to sell video that demonstrate hacking of Facebook. also many websites are try to sell products by marketing slogan like”hack Facebook account for free”.

hack facebook account onlineHow to hack facebook Account

I personally interested in Facebook hack to reveal my few fellow guys,I looked for various Facebook methods taken on web about hacking Facebook here i am going to share  my experience of search for Facebook account hack. I am going to expose whole my search on that topic  and I don’t want people to ask this to me again and again.  My goal is to explain the whole process of  how to hack facebook account Username and Password

Different Ways to Hack Facebook Account

Facebook account can be hack from one of following ways.
  1. Facebook Phishing
  2. By use of Key logger
  3. Facebook Account hack with get control on Primary email address

Facebook Phishing Attack :

This is one of the most popular methods to hack Facebook account online.also it is the one of the best popular and favorite method for Facebook hackers. Phishing not only allows you to hack Facebook but also can be used to hack any email account. You have to only get the trick used to make a phisher, which i think is very easy. Phishing is one of the easiest methods to foll someone and get Facebook account password. I mention the process for educational purpose only.I will go explaing in details on my next article on  How to hack Facebook password.

Use Key logger to hack  Facebook passwords

Installing key-logger on victims machine and later read key logs to gain access to hack  facebook account for free. To Install keylogger, you should have a physical access to  victim’s case, you don’t have , then you can install key-logger remotely.
What a key-logger does is it stores the keystrokes into a text log file and then these  logs can be used to  get required Facebook password and you can  hack Facebook Account.
to hack facebook account

Get access to Primary email address to hack someone’s Facebook account

let say,if you want to gain access  to someones account, i think hacking victims email address(Primary email address of Facebook) is easier than hacking of facebook. Most of the users uses 1 gmail or yahoo account email address as as primary email address. A genius hacker can easily gain over victims’ gmail account or yahoo email account.
After gaining control over primary email address of facebook, you simply use the  “Forgot password” facility that will ask Facebook to send password reset email to your primary email address- which is already hacked.
Thus, your Facebook account password will be reset and to hack Facebook account you already have another alternative as well !!!

You Must Know : about to hack a Facebook account details

From my goggling and research, I found above three methods for gaining access of Facebook account information as the best and working.If you know, any others alternative  ways to hack facebook account passwords, please do share your suggestions to get better awareness about facebook secuiry .
I never encourage hacking Facebook or any email account,,I just wanna make you aware about Facebook security and related risk involve with primary email address of Facebook. I will appreciate your effort if you discuss about how we can keep facebook account secured.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

FIND your VODAFONE prepade NUMBER (Easyly)


We all know about the method of how to find the prepaid number of docomo or reliance or other telecom companies

But anyone knows how to find vodafone prepaid number...? Its easy and working in all over India.

Lets see how to find.

1) You must have a Vodafone prepaid SIM-CARD of  your regional state or any state in India.

2) You must have some positive balance like around 1 Rs or in paisa . Not in negative

3) Now do a sms  that 

ACT VL to 144 for Vodafone Prepaid Users  ( For all over India leaving Mumbai and Kolkata )

For Mumbai And Kolkata  vodafone prepaid users  send sms   ACT VLZERO to 111 

This is a toll free number for vodafone. So don't worry. It won't charge you.

I know that it is for Vodafone Live (to get GPRS settings )  SMS.

But Now for prepaid users  Vodafone Live is pre-activated in all over India.

So when you do this SMS, you will get 2 SMS as a reply from Vodafone.

that are

1st SMS is like from vodafone

null: 91xxxxxxxxxx
where xxxxxxxxxx is your Vodafone prepaid number.

And another second one SMS is that

"Vodafone Live Service is already active on your phone."

If in any Vodafone prepaid this Vodafone live service is not activated then you can first activate by doing this SMS. Then after successful activation again send this same message so it can show your Vodafone prepaid number.

100% working in Vodafone prepaid in all over India.

Don't tried for Postpaid.

So you can try this method. Reply.

Thank You.

Monday, June 27, 2011


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download Ovi Store apps to computer, which can be later transferred to your Nokia phone. Just follow this article thoroughly.

What you need to use:

    * Mozilla Firefox 3.6.10 or earlier.
    * PC running Windows OS.
    * Nokia Multimedia phone.
    * Nokia account.

How to download Nokia Ovi store application to PC:

    * Open Mozilla Firefox and go to Tools >> Add-ons.
    * Click on Get Add-ons tab and search for User Agent Switcher.
    * Install User Agent Switcher and restart Firefox.
    * Open Notepad and paste the following codes:

Code: [Select]
<useragentswitcher><useragent description=”Internet Explorer 7 (Windows Vista)” useragent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)” appcodename=”” appname=”Microsoft Internet Explorer” appversion=”4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”platform=”Win32? vendor=”” vendorsub=””/><useragent description=”Netscape 4.8 (Windows Vista)” useragent=”Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 6.0; U)” appcodename=”” appname=”Netscape” appversion=”4.8 [en] (Windows NT 6.0; U)” platform=”Win32? vendor=”” vendorsub=””/><useragent description=”Opera 9.25 (Windows Vista)” useragent=”Opera/9.25 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en)” appcodename=”” appname=”Opera” appversion=”9.25 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en)” platform=”Win32? vendor=”” vendorsub=””/><useragent description=”Nokia 5230? useragent=”Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.4; U; Series60/5.0 Nokia5230/10.0.067; Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413? appcodename=”” appname=”” appversion=”” platform=”” vendor=”” vendorsub=””/></useragentswitcher>

    * If you are not using Nokia 5230, Replace all 5230 in the above code with the model number of your phone, like N97 for Nokia N97, or E71 for Nokia E71, and so on.
    * Save this file with .xml extension.
    * Now open Firefox and go to Tools >> Default User Agent >> Edit User Agents.
    * Click on Import.
    * Browse and add the above mentioned .xml file.
    * Now go to Tools >> Default User Agent and select your phone’s model number.
    * Open

Now, on your Nokia phone, Firefox will work as the default browser, and you can download any Ovi Store file on your PC, and then transfer them to your phone via USB cable or Bluetooth.

For your notification: Once you complete downloading Ovi Store applications, change user agent back to default user agent, by going to Tools >> Default User Agent >> Default User Agent.

If not, Firefox will keep behaving like your mobile phone’s browser.

Collection Of New Use Full Sites Must See It

There are thousands of websites which were released in 2010.
Some are very useful to day to day life. The websites which i
am going to give now are very useful sites as per my
knowledge. But these sites are not much into people. This is
my own websites collection which you will like for sure. I may
miss some very useful sites which are not famous enough. In
that case, please mention them in the comments section
below. I am personally saying the sites are not famous
because of the Alexa ranking of the sites. Not all the sites are
unpopular below. Some are too good in ranking, but people
are not aware of them properly.

1. – Awesome website to learn mathematics
with experts advice.

2. PrivacyDefender – The Easy Way to Control Your Facebook
Privacy Settings.

3. Funphotobox – Add your own pictures in funny,GIF images
with default frames.

4. DiffChecker – A tool that quickly & easily gives the text
differences between two blocks of text.

5. Kurrently – A real-time search engine for Facebook and

6. Logaway – Free Online Password Manager (1 login for
1000′s of sites)

7. Picknzip – Allow you to download photos from Facebook in
a single zip or pdf file.

8. Boston/BigPicture – New Stories in Photographs.

9. Ohlife – A Personal Journal.

10. TuxPaint – A Open Source Drawing Software for Children.

11. Explania – Watch hundreds of animated explanations,
interactive tutorials.

12. Twithelp – Simple and quick Twitter Help.

13. Fflick – fflick is movie reviews by you and your friends.

14. USBFlashCopy – A small Windows utility to back up your
flash drives & storage cards.

15. Flisti - Create free online polls without signing-up.

16. Unhearit - Listen Awesome Songs 24/7 Without Any Non-

17. Clipconverter – Free Best Online All Media Converter.

18. Jottle – A Face to Face Chat Without Any Non-sense.

19. Talkminer – Search inside video lectures and talks.

20. LearnBoost – A Free and amazing Gradebook.

21. TinEye – Image Search engine which displays all the
information about that image.

22. Keepaboo – About your child and Capturing memories.

23. HappyCV - A Free Online Resume Builder.

24. Blekko – A Search Engine which uses slashtags to search
the results.

25. Vye Music – All the music you could need. Find it and play

26. MomentGarden - Create and Share our Child’s Story.

27. Lockittight – Provides theft recovery assistance for mobile

28. Findbigmail – Increase your gmail account mail space.

29. HateVille – Like What Others Hate.

30. Psykotube – A Video Search Engine Site.

31. ListFav - Lists out your favorite things in all categories.

32. 8Tracks – A handcrafted internet radio to share & discover
music online mix.

33. AlertFul – Reminds you of the important events by email.

34. Failin – Know what your friends and people think of you.

35. Vsee – High Quality, Low Bandwidth Video Conference.

36. CForum – A Discussion point to post all your computer
related queries.


By Default, XP reserves 20% of your bandwidth for it’s own use. This is a crying shame and should be undone immediately. To do this, you will not require any additional software, just follow the steps below.
Access the Group Policy Editor. This can be done by typing gpedit.msc in the Run box (Start, and then Run). You will now be looking at something like this.

Navigate to Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/QOS Packet Scheduler using the pane on the left side.
In the left pane, there should be a Setting with the name Limit reservable bandwidth, right-click this and select properties.
Now this might seem a bit weird, as the State will say “Not Configured” but Windows by default will reserve 20%. So the trick is to set it to reserve 0%. You can do this by clicking enabled and then setting the Bandwidth Limit % to 0. It should look like the image below.

Hit OK then close the Group Policy Editor.
That’s it! You’re done with the first tweak. Just a quick side note here, there are lots of other little things you can change easily using the policy editor. Feel free to wander around!
Tweak 2: Optimizing TCP/IP settings
This next tweak is going to require a piece of freeware called SG TCP Optimizer. This nifty little utility will optimize the manner in which your PC sends and receives data packets, which will as a result speed up your connection. Though It is most effective for broadband connections, it works for just about any type of connection.
 Download SG TCP Optimizer. You don’t need to install it, just double-click and it will run. Once you run it, you should be looking at this :

That is quite an intimidating interface, but we won’t be touching most of it. Under the General Settings tab, just drag the slider to match your connection’s download speed. Then, at the bottom of the same window, select the “Optimal Settings” radio button and click “Apply Changes”.
You will now be looking at a window like the one below.

Make sure that the “Backup” tick box is ticked and then click OK.
All that’s left is to reboot your system, in order to apply the changes. You will be prompted to do so.
Once your system has rebooted, surf around for a while. If for whatever reason you feel your connection has been affected negatively, then fear not, for the changes you made can be undone. Start SG TCP Optimizer, click File and choose restore backed up settings. This will bring up a dialog box where you can navigate to where you downloaded the program. There, you will find a file with the extension .spg with a filename containing the date.
For example If you applied the changes on the 21st of February “sg_backup_2008-02-21-xxxx.spg” would be the filename, where the xxxx is any number. Once you find this file select it and press open. This should bring to a dialog box similar to the one shown above. Click OK and reboot. Your original settings are now restored.

Get Your Own Avast Antivirus 1 Year Genuine License For Free!

Hey guys,
Stop hunting for antivirus keys and license.
Here I am going to teach you how to get your own GENUINE Avast Antivirus 1 year license for free!

Here it goes - simple as 123!

1. Just visit this site.

Code: [Select] [nofollow]
2. Fill in your details there.

3. You'll recieve am email from avast. Follow the instructions.

So, thats it!
You are done!

EnjoY! :t

I hope you'll like it.

Get 6 Months Genuine License Key For Avira Premium Security Suite 10! (HURRY UP!)

Avira Premium Security Suite 10 is one of the most efficient security suites that makes you to forget about the security of your system if you are having it loaded in your system.
In order to prove their impact, Avira is currently offering us to Download Free Avira Premium Security Suite 10 With 6 Months License Key.

In process of the strategy, Avira of-course can't afford to provide their product with 6 month License key freely for entire world. So they have offered this offer in German version which can be changed to normal English version.

Here is the process that helps you download Free Avira Premium Security Suite 10 With 6 Months License Key

1. Visit Avira's Official German Promotional Page
Code: [Select] [nofollow] then click on the download button.

2. After Clicking on Download, you have to select destination folder and start downloading Avira Premium Security Suite 10. Then Double click on the setup file after downloading.
3. Select the Produckt testen option and then click on Next. If you face any errors(which is just because of the Windows Defender), even then click on Next.
4.Then you will notice a new pop-up dialog box 'Registrierung' . In Anrede field select 'Herr'. In Vorname (Your first name) and the Nachname (Your Last Name). Enter your valid email id in the next field Email wiederholen and click on Next.
5. Follwed by this, you will now notice a dialog box 'Ergnebis' which will display Your Name, Serial Number, and 184 day Subscription period. Click on Cancel and exit the installation process.
6. You will receive the subscription message to your Mail-ID, click on that link. You will be redirected to your account and there download  hbdev.key file.
7. Download Avira Premium Security Suite 10 and install it.
Code: [Select] [nofollow] it by clicking on option I already have a valid hbedv.key file.

Thats it, you are done.
You can Enjoy the entire 6 month Free License Key for Avira Premium Security Suite 10.

I hope you'll like it.

Send Free SMS To India Direct From Google Chrome :)

Today I Have Build A Google Chrome Extension To Send FREE SMS Anywhere In India ,Without Any Registration Without any Cost :) send Free SMS direct From Your GOOGLE CHROME web browser .
90% credit goes to foosms contact :)

Screen Shot
Here Is Link For extension
Code: [Select] [nofollow]
Code: [Select] [nofollow]

Thnxxxx :bye 

Download TORRENT a new way - Direct Download

Hello dear friends,

Many people have daily habit to download torre*nts from different sites. We know that torre*nts downloading is illegal because most piracy is done on internet through torre*nts . Even it is most famous on internet and increasing its fan following and members day by day.

So in offices, schools, banks or any public areas there are administrative rights are disabled and they giving limited (standard) account.  So some places utorre*nt, bittorre*nt like torre*nt applications are strictly prohibited.

On @ that situation  what will you do if you want to download torre*nts..........?

So lets discuss about this interesting matter today.

We have 4 options.

1) Torrific : -  We all know about it.  So just leave it.

2) Fetch .io:  -  A few days before I shared this. This is also a good option. But nowdays its also not working.  The bittorre*nt option is currently disabled by them and their service become very slow now- a- days.   ( Sab members ne fetch io ki waat laga dali......  :lol: :lol: )

Now lets discuss about 2 new options.

3) : -  is an online torre*nt downloader which runs entirely in your web browser. It allows you to download files using bittorre*nt without having to install any other third party application.

Just visit this site.

Code: [Select]

1) Just put the url of any torre*nt file and click on download torre*nt.

2) Then it will open another window and take some time , says loading machine.

3) Then select target location where you want to save that file.

4) And start download

5) You can choose settings using settings option.

6) Remember You must have Java installed to use this facility.

Our 4th option is also very interesting.

4) torre*nt2exe:  -      This site also useful to download torre*nts online without using any third party application because they self developed their own torre*nt downloader file.

Code: [Select]
http://www.torre*  (remove * )

What do you want to do now.....?

1) Just go to their website.

2)Paste the url of your torre*nt which you want to download
browse that torre*nt if you have already downloaded in PC.

3)Select Normal size or Small  size, both have no such big difference.  Choose any option.

4) Click on Direct URL of the exe-file . They will create their own exe torre*nt setup file to download that torre*nt.

5) Press start download.

6) Download that small file which is in KB size

7) Save it on desktop. Now open that file.

8) Now when you open that file, a windows security alert appear.  Click on unblock.

9) Now your torre*nt exe is ready to download your torre*nt file.

See here.

10) You can pause or resume it according to your work time.

There are so many services are like this availabe on Internet. But mostly all are paid.  I am sharing you only free services which are do their job as good as possible.

I am not supporting piracy.  I am just sharing this knowledge purpose only that you all must know.

So friends how do you like this. Try and please reply.

use skype as a your facebook chat client application

:bye hi friend this is good new for us that skype has release his new version 5.5 it has inbuilt facility of facebook account and facebook chat so download and enjoy chating with your friends

i cannot put direct link to skype 5.5 because of from skype official site

DOCOMO Free Callertune Latest Hack ( July - August ) hack

Yes its true .. Docomo is been hacked again for free callertune ..

YOU Just simply dial one tall free number ...

Number - 543211914

There are lots of LOVE callertune ..and u can set it free of cost ..

LOTS of NEW and OLD songs and in so many language lyk gujarati hindi bangali english etc

So dont wait n njoy d HACK.
Posted By - Qd (King-hacker)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

HOW TO USE PROXIFIER ..... Airtel Realince Idea Vodafone Bsnl Docomo

Step 1 : Download Proxifier Frm Itz Official Site, u can PM me for a s*rial number

Step 2 : Install Proxifier and register with the s*rial number

Step 3 : Launch Proxifier and click on the Options tab, then Proxy Settings

Step 4 : Next you have to add your new proxy so click on Add

Step 5 : Once you have found a new IP you have to Add it to Proxifier then press OK

( Copy and paste the full IP and port number, then tick whether it's a Http SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxy )

Step 6 : Now you have to check the IP to make sure it is still active

Step 7 : If the test was ok you now have to tick the IP you want to use then press OK

Step 8 : Congratz, you can now browse securely from different regions  :t :D

Step 9 : After you close Proxifier it will still run in your System Tray

( Right click on the Proxifier icon and Close to fully disable your proxy )

Remember that people can still find your true IP and MAC address if they really want to, it will just take them a lot longer when you are using a proxy or proxies, you can set up a proxy chain with multiple IPs if you want but once again it is not bulletproof and it will be very slow  ;) :dance

HeRE Is THE XROXY Site ScreenShot - Of Proxy List

Hope this helped you all, good luck OVeRLORD... :t